Friday 23 May 2008

Fair weather friends.

So, I have this friend. He is one of my closet friends, we've always gotten on really well. He looks after me when I am down, and is always there to talk should I need it. Now, over easter, we went on a night out in town, to a club, lots of drinking, lots of music, lots of dancing. There was a large group of us, a group of my friends - as they had organised it, and a group of my boyfriend's and my friends - the people who we are both friends with but aren't necessarily friends of my friends. So we were all dancing, having a good time and I notice he is looking a little down, so I dance over to him, and shout in his ear about what is wrong. At this point, he drags me off to the side and proceeds to spend about 45mins discussing with me what was wrong. Now bear in mind this is a club so I can't really hear him, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable because it is completely the wrong atmosphere but never mind. So we sort it and he carries on. The next 3 days or so are taken up with him texting me and me trying to sort him out further.

He went back to uni and I didn't think anything more of it. We exchanged a few more texts on the subject and that was it. Occasionally we speak on msn but thats just how it is.

So, last week I met my friend to have lunch for her birthday. We were sat in Frankie and Benny's and she mentions that he is home. 'Oh' I say, 'I didn't know that'. Then she tells me that he has been home for a week and, when asked if he had seen anyone he had replied that he hadn't and should really make the effort. She then went on to tell me that he had said he would contact me about either doing something that night or the next night. So I say fair enough and we'll see what happens. That evening goes by and I hear no word, and I am not prepared to text him as he had said he would contact me. The next evening I have plans to go to my friend's house for a film and a chat. I arrive and as I step through the door, receive a text asking me to go to the pub that evening from him. So I reply, telling him that I was unaware he was home and I was out, having made the plan a week previously. Now he is in a huff with me. Is this my fault?

This post is dedicated to all of those people who have friends like this, friends who are happy to take advantage of your sympathies but don't give you some in return. End.

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