Saturday 31 May 2008

The barman

Chris sighed as he wiped the bar down. It had been a long night and he was ready to go home. He stepped around the bar and began to check the pub, making sure everyone was really gone. He stooped to pick up a fallen barstool and as he stood up again he noticed a figure in the far corner. Walking towards it, he realised it was a girl. She was hunched over the table, her head on her delicately folded arms, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Chris walked towards her. “Excuse me, pubs closed now. Last orders was half an hour ago.”

The girl sat up displaying a tear stained face and red eyes. “Oh... sorry. I was supposed to be meeting someone but he isn’t here. How much of a fool must I look?” She sniffed delicately, wiping her hands over her face. “I’ll just get my stuff and go.”

She began to collect her belongings together, struggling to keep her face composed. Suddenly she collapsed on the seat again, her eyes streaming with fresh tears. Chris dropped his cloth onto the table, and sat down next to her, having a momentary battle deciding whether or not to put his arm around her. He did, and immediately she relaxed against him. He stroked her back, murmuring into her hair in comfort. Her sniffing and sobbing seemed to subside but she seemed relaxed against him, content to stay there for now. Chris decided to take the bull by the horns; he dropped a small kiss onto her head. She stiffened immediately and pulled away from him.

“Oh Christ! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done that; you’ll think I’m taking advantage!” He moved to pull away but she reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him.

“It’s ok. Maybe I am destined to meet someone tonight. I’m Olivia.” Her eyes, wet with tears a moment ago, shone as she looked at him. “Thank you for caring, most other people would have been desperate to get home!”

“I’m Chris, and please don’t worry about it. I can think of nowhere else I’d rather be.” He blushed, realising this was a rather unmanly thing to say. He could feel the tension building around him and decided to break it. Standing up he walked away from where Olivia was sat in the corner. Striding across to the door, he quickly shot the bolts home, locking them inside the cosy bar. He flicked the light switch leaving only the light above the pool table in the corner glowing and only then did he wander back to the corner. Sitting down on the long banquette, he beckoned Olivia closer. She moved around the table, joining him on the comfier sofa.

Chris turned slightly so he was facing her, and reached out to wipe the last teardrops from her face. She reached up and touched his fingers, tracing her hand up his arm to his neck, playing with the short hairs as she did, moving ever so slightly closer.

Chris leaned forward, closing the space between them and pressing his lips against hers. Her lips were soft, tasting salty, the only sign now that she had been crying earlier. She responded well, opening his mouth with hers, and snaking her tongue in gently. She moaned quietly in her throat, a small signal to him that it was ok to go further. His hands, which had until now been holding her face, slid down her body to her thighs. They were soft beneath his hands, and he moved to the hem of her skirt, sliding up the inside of her thigh, feeling the heat pulsing towards him. She began to finger the buttons on his shirt, a gesture he found maddening. Pushing her back, he pulled his shirt over his head, ripping a button as he did so but not caring. He dropped it to the floor, and pulled her t-shirt over her head, symbolically dropping it on top of his. Her breasts threatened to spill over the top of her bra; he couldn’t believe how plump they were. Bending his head, he kissed the tops of them, unhooking her bra and dropping that to the floor as well. Her breasts shook as she gasped at the cold air hitting them but before she had time to think, he covered her.

Olivia was shocked by the sudden movement, but before she had time to process it, Chris’s mouth was over hers again, his tongue gently probing and his hands on her breasts, stroking her nipples into stiffness. She could feel his leg between her thighs, pressing into her. She kissed him more hungrily and moved her hands to the waist of his black jeans, undoing his button and tugging at the zip. He pushed himself up on his hands and slid the jeans to his ankles, and pushed up her skirt. He let himself back down, positioning his crotch over hers and pressing it into her, making her gasp as she felt the hardness between his legs. All that was separating them was the thin lace of her underwear and the, surprising, silk of his.

Chris reached between them and slid a finger into her panties, feeling her wetness against his finger and began to gently stroke her clit, making her gasp at his tenderness. She pushed her hand inside the elastic of his boxers, curling her fingers gently into his pubic hair.

“Olivia,” he breathed, “are you absolutely sure about this?”

She nodded, and that was all it took. He pulled his boxers off and pushed aside the crotch of her pants. Olivia bent and kissed this tip of his erect penis, before wrapping her legs around his waist and welcoming him inside her.

Chris moved gently at first, not wanting to hurt her, and then as her breathing began to quicken, he also moved faster. He plunged his cock into her, making her cry out with pleasure, and he felt her fingernails run down his back, pulling him closer still. She moaned and let out a breathy sigh. This encouraged Chris and he moved quicker still, hitting the spots that felt so good to Olivia, pushing her closer to orgasm. She wound her legs tighter around his waist and forced him deeper still. She had to come now!

Chris plunged on, loving how she felt around his throbbing cock. He could feel her tightening and knew that she was nearing orgasm. Suddenly he pulled out and bent his head to her crotch, flicking his tongue against her clitoris. He began to write the alphabet as he felt Olivia get wetter and wetter, only getting so far as M before she exploded, crying out as she did. She tasted divine on his tongue. When her muscles had ceased contracting he raised his head, and pushed his cock back inside her. She was all relaxed now, pulling him to her as she lay back. He thrust his hips, forcing his cock inside her further and faster. Suddenly the need to come overtook him. He was powerless to stop it and he groaned as he did, moving slower inside her, pulling out as he finished and collapsing on top of her. He kissed her neck and wrapped her in his arms.

“Wow.” She murmured, “that was amazing. You are amazing!”

Chris smiled, kissing her lips again, before whispering, “I’m here everyday.”

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