Tuesday 29 June 2010

Job... real world

So, having finished my PGCE, it is now time to enter the real world and start trying to get a job. Had my first real interview today. Taught for 20mins and then had to have a formal interview. I don't want to say how it went - I'm such a bad judge. I hope they liked me and that threw it in my favour!

Getting a job is ridiculous. There are so many hoops to jump through and that is something that I am not the best at. I find it really difficult. It seems ridiculous that you jump through all of the hoops and then end up doing what you want anyway.

I have an interview tomorrow to start getting jobseekers allowance. I'm really hoping I can call them later and cancel it in light of getting this job. I don't want to be on the dole. There are so many negative connotations associated with it. People who take job seekers allowance are not scroungers, they are people who are looking for jobs! FACT! You have to be looking to get it.

Anyway, I don't really have a lot to say so...

Monday 14 June 2010

Love Gives Me Hope.

I was born blind.

Many people would just be my friend for a few years and leave. Except one boy. He stayed with me since kindergarten, despite my disabilities.

Last year, I got surgery so I could regain my sight.

The first thing that I saw when I woke up was the one boy, on his one knee, asking for my hand in marriage.


My grandma has MD and can't do simple things.

I went over to their house & my grandpa was digging in the closet, crying, because he couldn't find the pink nail polish.

I asked why he needed it & he told me that, despite his arthritis, he paints her nails once a week.

His love for my grandma GMH


My older sister was always mean to me. We shared a bedroom.

At night she was so mean, I would sleep in my Mom's room.

Then I found out that she was mean to me to protect me from our older brother, who was raping her at night.

Her sacrifice to protect me because she loves me GMH.


At my senior prom, there was a girl in my grade who is handicapped and confined to a wheelchair.

During one of the slow dances, a boy picked her up from her chair and slow danced with her, holding her up the entire time, so that she could have at least one dance at her prom.

People like Liam GMH.


In fifth grade there was a boy who was having a party.

He invited his 3 best friends and 2 kids no one ever talked to.

When he called their parents to ask if they could come they both started to cry.

Neither of them have ever been invited to a birthday party before - one has Down Syndrome, the other is blind. He GMH


I work weddings, and for one, the groom's mother was very ill.

She was in a wheel chair, and had an oxygen tank. I was shocked when the DJ announced the Mother/Son dance, but he rolled her chair on to the dance floor and rocked her back and forth.

She even stood up briefly to dance with him before she had to sit back down.

A mother's LGMH.


My grandmother is in a nursing home with severe dementia/Alzheimer's.

My grandfather visits her every week. Her illness stops her from remembering anyone, and yet her eyes light up at the sight of him - I don't think she knows why.

Love that overcomes all gives me hope.


Last night was my prom night.

A girl with Down's Syndrome was dancing by herself and everyone was laughing at her.

My boyfriend broke away from me and went over to dance with her. My boyfriend's kindness GMH.


In 12th grade I watched my friend Kay finish in last place of her cross country race.

This was the race that college recruits were watching. Only I know she didn't "wear out" like everyone thought.

She let a girl with Down Syndrome pass her, because her goal was to not place last just one time. GMH.


I work at a nursing home, and we admitted a husband (Rob) and wife (Jane).

Jane was dying, but Rob was healthy. I asked the nurse why he was there too.

The nurse told me that he admitted himself so he could be with Jane for her last moments, and so she wouldn't die alone.

Jane died a few weeks later, hand in hand with her husband of 60 years.


One day I got a phone call from my daughter's Grade 1 teacher saying I was to provide my daughter a lunch EVERY DAY!

Confused, I asked my daughter what she was doing with her lunches.

Her response? "A girl in my class doesn't get a lunch so I give mine to her."

My daughter's selflessness GMH


My daughter goes to kindergarten, and there is a boy there who is blind.

She didn't understand what this meant, so I explained.

The next day when I picked her up, I found her sitting across from the boy with her eyes closed, describing what trees looked like. The boy was grinning from ear to ear. GMH.


My little sister came home from school one day and demanded I take her to the library so she could get books on sign language.

I asked why? She told me there was a new kid at school who was deaf and she wanted to befriend him.

Today, I stood beside her at their wedding watching her sign... “I DO”.


12 years ago, my best friend wrote something down on a piece of paper, and told me I couldn't read it. He said I'd have to wait.

Today, on our 4th anniversary, (we're dating), he gave me the paper.

It says, "I already know you're the one. I'll love you forever, marry me?"

He wrote it when we were 11. His timeless love for me GMH.


A friend of mine is battling A.L.L., a form of Leukemia.

During this time, she has had to be in a "germ free" room.

Her boyfriend has sacrificed almost 2 months of his time staying in that one room with her, living off IV nutrients and dehydrated food, etc.

His love for her GMH.


My husband has been blind since a few weeks after he was born.

Today, he pulled out our yearbook and flipped to a page and said that whoever he pointed to was the most beautiful person ever.

He pointed directly at me.

Apparently he's been practicing it with his friend for weeks. David, you GMH


My boyfriend and I have been dating since the 7th grade. We are now 24, and married.

We first met in kindergarten when he threw a crayon at me.

Then in the 7th grade, he threw the same color crayon at me, with a homemade wrapper saying, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

The crayon was there at our wedding. His memory GMH.


My grandmother died a year ago in March.

After she died, my grandpa went to visit her almost everyday. One day my Aunt Shelly went to visit her, and when she got there she saw my grandpa's footprints, in five feet of snow leading to her grave.

His love GMH.


am a third grade teacher.

Most kids come in with notes or messages written by their mothers in their lunch sacks.

One little girl's dad left, and her mother abuses drugs. But her 12 year old brother never fails to write "I love you" on her brown paper bag.



One summer I got bored and found a book on sign language.

At the start of the year my teacher announced we had a new member to our class, but she was deaf. No one could talk to her but me, and turns out we had a lot in common.

Today, 8 years later, I proposed. She said yes.

Love despite our differences GMH.


My grandpa is 85 years old.

Today, I just found out that ever since his wife, his true love, had died, he put roses on her grave every Sunday.

The drive is 2 hours away from where he lives. She was 29 when she died.

This devotion GMH.