Saturday 14 June 2008

Dominate me

Nikki swung her legs off the sofa and reached towards her glass as she stood up. She walked through to the kitchen and began clattering about as she did the washing up. Dave glanced towards the clock, timing how long it would take her, planning her move for the following night. Ten minutes passed while Holly banged around in the other room. Ryan knew exactly what he was going to do the next night, down to the last little detail. Holly would never suspect. The banging stopped and Holly appeared in the doorway, a blob of bubbles on her nose.

“Nik”, Dave chuckled, “come here, you’ve got bubbles on your nose”.

Nikki walked towards him, and wiped the bubbles off, before bending down to give him a kiss.

“Good night sweetie. I’m off to bed, knackered!” As she left the room, Dave picked up the TV remote, and began channel hopping. Nikki rolled her eyes and slowly climbed the stairs. Getting undressed, she slid between the sheets sighing as she relished the freshness of them against her skin as Dave had changed them earlier in the day.

As she drifted off to sleep, she could hear the low hum of the TV from downstairs. Dave could be hours yet and she had an early start in the morning. When the alarm went off, she felt like she had barely slept.Dave merely grunted as she slid out of bed and got dressed, waking up just enough to hear the click of the front door as she shut it quietly behind her.


Arriving home later that day, Nikki couldn’t fail to notice the enormous bunch of freesias on the coffee table in the living room.

“Babe... they are gorgeous! What are they in aid of?”

“No reason, just wanted to spoil my gorgeous missus for a change.” He said smoothly as he handed her a glass of wine. “Come on through, I’ve made your favourite.”

Nikki beamed widely. She took her seat at the table and slipped off her shoes. This was a rare treat, what else could be in store for her?

As she pushed her plate away and leaned back in her chair, absolutely stuffed, Dave began picking the plates up, moving them all to the sink, ready for them to be washed later. He grabbed her hand and her glass, taking them to the living room and snuggled up on the sofa. She kissed him gently, and relaxed against him, drinking in the domestic bliss. Before long her eyes were shutting and then she felt Dave shaking her awake.

“Nik, don’t you think you should go to bed if you are that sleepy?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’ll just go and wash the dishes then.” Stretching out her stiff legs, Nikki staggered into the kitchen. He heard the taps go on and he made his move. Standing up quietly from the sofa, he tiptoed towards the stairs and climbed them carefully, avoiding the squeaky step in the middle. He stepped into their bedroom and began to remove his clothes, glancing at the clock the whole time. When he was down to his boxers, he stretched out under the duvet, and began to feign sleep.

When Nikki came up, Dave was wrapped up in the duvet, giving little pretend snores. Nikki snorted and began to get undressed, before grabbing one end of the duvet and tugging it to unravel him and to get some for herself. That was the movement that Dave had been waiting for, and as the duvet untangled from around him, he grabbed Nikki and pulled her down on top of him. She gasped in surprise, and then in delight as his mouth found her neck and he rolled her over so he was on top of her.

Grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head on the bed, and resuming his kissing of her neck. She sighed quietly, returning his kisses with hers, desperate to touch him but not strong enough to break his grip on her wrists. He released them slightly, reaching down the side of the bed and producing a pair of handcuffs. Nikki giggled nervously, feeling utterly powerless as he snapped them onto her wrists and secured her to the bedpost. This completed, he began to kiss his way down her body, sucking on her nipples briefly before moving further down her body and teasing her inner thighs with his tongue, bypassing her pussy just to tease and making her moan in frustration.

He moved back up her body again, kissing her mouth for the first time and pressing his crotch into hers so she could feel his hard cock through his boxers. She moaned quietly against his lips and he broke their kiss to whisper in her ear.

“I’m going to go down there and lick your clit before I come back up here and fuck you hard”.

Nikki moaned louder this time. This was such a change, Dave was normally so submissive. It was good to be dominated. True to his word, his tongue was slicking around her clit, making her wriggle in delight and just as his tongue was moving over the perfect spot, and his fingers had the perfect touch on her nipples he stopped.

Pulling off his boxers, Dave kneeled above Nikki, teasing his hard cock against her clit before he slid it tenderly inside her. She moved against him, wrapping her legs around his fit body, as he pumped his cock inside her, slowly at first but building up speed.

Bending over her again, he kissed and nipped at her neck as he moved faster within her, making her cry out in pleasure as his cock hit all the right places inside her. Suddenly he stopped moving, not wanting to cum yet and made to pull away slightly but Nikki wrapped her legs around him and moved herself with her lower body, refusing to let him stop himself. As she moved more, she felt him stiffen and then twitch inside her, gasping out as he came, relaxing his body against hers for a moment before creeping downwards and finishing the job he had started earlier. As his tongue moved over her clit, now wet with both of their juices, Nikki felt herself getting hotter and hotter before her orgasm overtook it and she came violently against Dave’s tongue.

Rolling off her to lie beside her, Dave smiled. “That was different eh? Did you like it?”

“I certainly did!” Nikki replied, “But do you think you can set me free? My arms hurt!”

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